The Challenge
Since the introduction of COVID, everyone has been stuck at home, missing out on socializing and drinking in larger settings. What if we could create an alcoholic beverage that provides a feeling of optimism, escapism and hope, in perfect timing for when the world opens up again?
How might we create the hot, new & optimistic alcoholic beverage for summer 2021, in line with projected consumer trends?
The Solution
Three projected alcoholic trends discovered during research were; adventure, hand crafted cocktails and the social aspect of drinking at a bar. These trends are the foundation of Dérive, a brand of travel-inspired, quality cocktails.
Dérive is adventure, optimism and wanderlust in a can. Each of our crafted cocktails takes your tastebuds and mind to a new place around the world. From Bali Bliss to Fiji Fantasy, our cans allow you to taste the adventure through local fruity flavors and colorful gradient packaging.
Role & Duration
Role | Research, Brand Development, Brand Identity, Packaging Design, Web Design
Duration | 9 Weeks
Jan 2021 - Feb 2021
Team | Solo Project
Methods | Research, Brainstorming, Brand Discovery, Brand Application, Wireframing, Prototyping
Tools | Adobe XD, Illustrator, Photoshop, Procreate