Overview scenarios
- Clicking on a tracking number
- Viewing all replacement devices in transit
- Viewing more cancelled repair requests
- Clicking on a cancelled request
- Creating a new repair request
- Hovering on the total standard vs advance repair requests
Warranty scenarios
- Importing a CSV file with devices in bulk
- Downloading the CSV template
- Adding individual devices to the list
- Creating a new repair or service request
- Exporting a section of, or the full list
- Removing all or a few devices from the list
- Searching for devices
- Applying, editing, and removing all filters
- Hovering on exchange type
- Hovering on coverage status
- Applying filters with no matching results
Repair scenarios
- Opening a repair request
- Applying, editing, or removing all filters
- Exporting the full, or part of the list
- Creating a new repair request
- Searching for repair requests
- Searching for a repair request but no matching results