Todoist is successful at balancing power and simplicity. To-do items can be added to your inbox and later assigned to either a project or date. The “Boards” feature works like a kan-ban board. You can create and label different sections that hold individual tasks. The tasks include a great sub-task feature with labels, priorities, reminders and project-assignment.

TickTick offers a few features that are above and beyond what other apps offer. First of all, there’s a built-in pomodoro timer, allowing you to track your work sessions in 25-minute increments. The app also syncs to various third-party calendars if you pay the monthly subscription fee. Like Todoist, TickTick is also successful at subtasks, reminders, repeating tasks and date-assignment.

Things manages to provide endless customization while looking minimal and sleek. Users can add an “area” or “project”, which allows you to create separation between work and home life. Areas can contain tasks or projects, and projects can contain tasks and subtasks.